Henry Schaffer, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Genetics & Biomathematics
Coordinator of Special IT Projects & Faculty Collaboration, Office of Information Technology
M2A Hillsborough Building
Campus Box 7109
His involvement in the intersection of computation and population genetics led to his participation in the founding of GenBank and continues to this day.
Coordinator of Special IT Projects & Faculty Collaboration, Office of Information Technology
M2A Hillsborough Building
Campus Box 7109
His involvement in the intersection of computation and population genetics led to his participation in the founding of GenBank and continues to this day.
- hes@ncsu.edu

David McK. Bird, Ph.D.
Professor of Plant Pathology
Co-Director of Genomic Sciences Graduate Program (Functional Genomics)
Campus Box 7253
Co-Director of Genomic Sciences Graduate Program (Functional Genomics)
Campus Box 7253
- david_bird@ncsu.edu
- https://cals.ncsu.edu/entomology-and-plant-pathology/

Jeffrey Thorne, Ph.D.
Professor of Statistics
323 Ricks Hall
Campus Box 7566
Dr. Thorne regularly teaches Bioinformatics II (ST590C), a core course in the Bioinformatics graduate curriculum. His research focus is evolutionary inference from interspecific data and the reconciliation of such inference techniques with population genetics; developing statistical tools for studying molecular evolution using DNA and protein sequences; protein structure and protein evolution; and using molecular and fossil data to estimate the times since different species had common ancestors.
323 Ricks Hall
Campus Box 7566
Dr. Thorne regularly teaches Bioinformatics II (ST590C), a core course in the Bioinformatics graduate curriculum. His research focus is evolutionary inference from interspecific data and the reconciliation of such inference techniques with population genetics; developing statistical tools for studying molecular evolution using DNA and protein sequences; protein structure and protein evolution; and using molecular and fossil data to estimate the times since different species had common ancestors.
- 919-515-1946
- thorne@statgen.ncsu.edu
- http://statgen.ncsu.edu/thorne/