At the recent annual Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Computational Chemistry, BRC Faculty member, Dr. Denis Fourches won the ACS award for the best presentation. The COMP division (Computers in Chemistry) holds a Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Computational Chemistry at the American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting every year. The objective of the symposium is to stimulate, reward, and publicize methodological advances in computational chemistry. Schrödinger, Inc., sponsors a $1,000 prize for the best talk at the symposium. Pre-selected talks are evaluated at the meeting by a panel of experts based on the quality of the presentation and the impact that the research will have on the future of computational chemistry and allied sciences. More info at
Dr. Denis Fourches’ ACS talk wins award for ‘Best Talk’
His talked was titled: “Next Generation Approaches in Computational Chemistry” and the abstract can be found here: COMP_Fourches_ACSFall2015_Abstract